Hopeless – parody of the Obama ‘HOPE’ poster


Happy New Year!  Here is a spoof poster that I have been toying with for a few weeks.  Below is a small view of the original poster and a photo of some of the beautiful carved statues on Easter Island.  As the world’s most powerful “leader” Barack Obama has achieved very little to help society face the greatest threat to life on earth – man-made climate chaos.  He sometimes speaks well about climate change but very little policy or legislation has happened on his watch.  The recent global climate talks in Peru organised by the UNFCCC were almost pointless – see the excellent summary by Oscar Reyes of the talks here.

While this piece is called “hopeless”, I do still have some hope – depending on just how fast as many of us can work, we might be able to make climate chaos more survivable for more people.  But we must avoid clinging to false hope.  We need to learn from our mistakes (like how the people of Easter Island over-consumed their way to collapse) and we need to rapidly de-carbonise our homes, our work, our infrastructure and our societies.  We can do this: stop flying; eat local vegetables and less meat; switch to renewable energy; insulate our buildings; and generally de-normalise over-consumption.



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